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The main goal of the Scientific Research Department of Altino Ventura Foundation (FAV) is to assist the students and researchers of the institution in the development of research projects, articles and presentations for scientific events. Camila Ventura, MD (Ophthalmologist, PhD in Visual Sciences - UNIFESP) is the current coordinator of this department, which is composed of the following Scientific Research Analysts: Dr. Ana Karine de Araújo Soares (Biomedical Scientist - UFPE, PhD in Bioscience and Biotechnology in Health - FIOCRUZ / PE, Post-Doctoral training in Therapeutic Innovation - UFPE), and Dr. Taciana Higino (Biomedical Scientist - UFPE , PhD in Bioscience and Biotechnology in Health - FIOCRUZ / PE), and Camilla Rocha (Statistician - UFPE, Specializing in Artificial Intelligence with an emphasis in Data Sciences - IBRATEC).

Altino Ventura Foundation is a source of a great wealth of scientific data used in leading-edge research projects. Such epidemiological data collected in the prevention of blindness and visual, auditory, physical, and intellectual rehabilitation initiatives enhance the knowledge of the reality of ocular health and multiple deficiencies in the North/Northeast regions of Brazil. The institution continuously develops Research and Extension Projects, with technical-scientific partnerships with national and international institutions, such as: Low Vision Project, in collaboration with the Lions International Foundation, the German Christian Blind Mission (CBM), and the German Government (Ministry of Development), and the German Government, in eight states in the North and Northeast (Roraima, Amapá, Ceará, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Sergipe, and Bahia) training pediatric ophthalmologists and therapists specializing in low vision; Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), carrying out various scientific works, and promoting strictu sensu graduate programs; Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), WHO of the Americas, Ministry of Health of Brazil, and UNICEF, for the development of educational materials for professionals in Primary and Specialized Care for Children with Congenital Zika Virus Syndrome (CZVS); “Semear” Scientific Research Project, funded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development of the National Institute of Health (NIHCD), in the United States, in partnership with RTI International (Research Triangle Park, NC), which aims monitor the development of children with CZVS and their families.

As part of its contribution to science, in the years 2016 to 2018 alone, FAV published 56 peer-reviewed scientific papers, many of them with high impact, in addition to other outstanding editions.

Museu de Ciências
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Dra. Camila Ventura


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Dra. Ana Karine de Araújo Soares

Scientific Research Analyst

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Dra. Taciana Higino

Scientific Research Analyst


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