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Altino Ventura Foundation (FAV) was founded on October 13, 1985. It is a philanthropic institution, certified as a public benefit entity at the local, state and federal levels. It is registered at the Brazilian National Registry of Health Facilities (CNES) under no. 0000485. It has been granted the Certificate of Beneficent Social Assistance Entity (CEBAS) for organizations developing health activities. All clinical, surgical and emergency ophthalmic assistance offered to patients in the low-income population by FAV is fully provided through the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS), in accordance with Ministry of Health ordinance No. 2,512/2012. 145 of the 185 municipalities in the state of Pernambuco have already benefited from FAV’s various projects aimed at fighting blindness and promoting visual rehabilitation.

FAV's mission is to promote eye health and assist patients with multiple impairments; rehabilitate patients with impairments; contribute to the social inclusion of patients; and promote educational and scientific research initiatives.

In 34 years of operation, more than 15.8 million procedures have been performed, including 7.1 million consultations, 8.2 million exams, 422.5 thousand surgeries, and 5.9 thousand corneal transplants.

FAV has already trained 600 Brazilian and foreign doctors (Latin America and Angola) through its Lato Sensu Graduate Programs (Medical Residency, Specialization, and Fellowship Training in Ophthalmology).

The institution conducts and publishes scientific research projects, which are presented in conferences in Brazil and abroad. Between 2016 and 2019, the Foundation has published 58 articles in Brazilian and international scientific journals.


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